Friday 27 November 2009

Analysis of a double page spread-Mojo magazine

The final double page spread I looked at was from Mojo magazine and was about the punk band X-Ray Spex, particularly focusing on frontwoman Poly Styrene. The title of the article takes up most of the left hand page and also extends onto the second page. The title of the article is It Came From Outer Space and which is intriguing and makes the reader want to read on, as it leaves them with questions 'what came from outer space?' The font of the tile is very eye catching and unusual as is the colour; bright pink. This bright pink writing coupled with the yellow background gives the article a punk look, as these colours are often associated with punk music, due to the iconic Sex Pistols album which featured the same colour scheme. The article uses badge images to give extra information, for example the band name and the introduction to the article is written in a font that makes it look like it has been made on a label maker. This ties in with the theme I have seen in other music magazines, where they look homemade and almost resemble fanzines. The title and the explanation take up most of the room of the left hand page, so it only has one column of writing, which is unusual. The writing contains a convention I've seen in all music magazines, the first letter of the article is a lot larger than the others. The entire right hand page is taken up by a black and white picture of Poly Styrene, but it is not from a photo shoot for Mojo magazine, as it is a picture of her from the past. She is making eye contact with the camera in the picture, but her pose and expression suggest that the picture was spontaneous rather than posed for. She is holding a microphone in the picture, so it was most likely taken whilst the band were performing live. Live pictures are often used, if a photo shoot picture is unavailable or inappropriate.
The article is about X Ray Spex's one off comeback gig, but all reminiscences about their time in the charts in the 1970s. Most articles which feature bands or artists from the past have some sort of reminiscent factor about them. The article sets out to inform the reader and to educate them about X Ray Spex.

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