Friday 27 November 2009

Inspiration for photos

The idea for my main article is to have a modern day music artists talking about her greatest influence (in this case Morrissey.) This may be part of a regular feature, or a one off article for some reason. Therefore, I looked at photos of Morrissey for inspiration for my photo shoot. I thought that it would be a good idea to have Rosie (my cover star) re create some of the poses. I considered the following poses;

I really like the lighting and framing of this shot. At first I thought that it could be fairly easy to re create in my own living room with my curtains. However, when discussing this with Rosie, we decided that the lighting would be too hard to get exactly right. Also the framing of the curtains is very exact and could be a challenge.

I really like this pose and think it would look good in my music magazine. The attitude fitted in well with my idea for my magazine and it is quite an iconic picture of Morrissey, so would be quite a recognisable pose to fans. I think that it would look really good on the front cover. Rosie agrees with this, and suggests that we took it outside, against a brick wall, which I really liked. The picture will be easier to re create than the previous one, as the background is not as an integral part and could be effectively re created anywhere.

The pose of Morrissey could be hard to re create, as it is such a big close up, that it would depend on getting the facial expression just right. However, I really like the idea of having Rosie re create this pose and then Photoshopping this picture on the wall beside her (as if it is a poster) so that the reader can see what pose she is re creating. Rosie has agreed to try and re create this one, despite the challenge!

I think that the pose would be great to re create, especially as Ms Casson suggested that we try and get some shots of our cover stars performing. However, this could be a challenge, as I don't have easy access to a stage and microphone and it could be hard to get the shadowy background. Rosie suggested that I could take some shots of her in the music department, however, I decided against this as I didn't think it would look very professional.

The four images above have come from my Mozipedia; Encyclopedia of Morrissey and The Smiths by Simon Goddard. I used a camera to take pictures of the relevant pages. Therefore, whilst the photos were not originally taken by me, the copies you see on this page were.

I think that this pciture would be fairly easy to re create, as the background is not an issue and could be re created anywhere. owever, as there is so much focus on the subject of the photo, it may look strange if Rosie re creates it.

Another source of inspiration for my photo shoot was the video for Morrissey's solo single 'Everyday is like Sunday' which is filmed in Southend. I thought that I could take some pcitures of Rosie on the seafront in an homage to it.

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