Friday 27 November 2009

Audience questionnaire

As part of my task, I produced a questionnaire that I could give to my target audience to find out their views and opinions on music magazine and what they would like to see included in a magazine. I asked the following questions;

1)Do you currently buy any music magazines on a regular basis? If so which ones?

I asked this question as it gives me an insight into what type of music my target audience likes and what articles they would like to see.

2) What genre of music do you like best?

This question gave me further insight into the type of music my target audience enjoy and would help me decide what bands to put in my magazine

3) In general, do you find that there is not much variety amongst music magazines? (e.g. always feature the same type of music)

I asked this question as it would help me to decide whether to create a niche magazine for a specific target audience, or a more mainstream magazine.

4) How much would you be willing to pay for a weekly music magazine?

This would help me decide how much to 'charge' for my music magazine. It would also allow me to see if my audience believe that current magazines are correctly priced or too expensive.

5) What features would you like to see included in a music magazine?

This question would help me to decided what content to put in my magazine and would help me with my main article.

6) What non music related features would you also like to see in a music magazine?

I asked this question to see what other features I could incorporate into my magazine, as music magazines sometimes include non music related features.

7) Do you find that music magazines are male dominated?

I asked this question as it was something I had found in my research and wondered if other people had noticed it too. If it seemed that people did find this the case, I could maybe make a conscious effort to include a female artist on the front cover of my magazine.

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