Friday 27 November 2009

Flat Plans

I created some rough flat plans, outlining my ideas for the layout of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. The flat plan on the left is for my front cover. The background to my cover will be taken up entirely by my chosen picture of Rosie. There will be no writing over her head as this would ruin the effect of her making eye contact with the readers (drawing them in) and would look unprofessional. I would only have a few articles detailed on the cover, including the main one but I decided that I would have a list of bands that will be included in the magazine at the bottom of the page, as I had seen this appear on many magazines during my research. The magazine title will be located in the top left hand corner, as that is where the eye is drawn first when reading something.

This flat plan is for my contents page. I want to include a brief editorial on my page as it is a good way for the magazine to directly address and connect with the readers. The articles would simply be listed on the left hand side and the right hand side will contain pictures, with the page numbers to the corresponding articles on them.
This flat plan is for the first page of my double page spread. The background of the page will be taken up entirely by my chosen picture of Rosie, making the whole of the first page a picture. This is a convention I have seen in many magazines during my research. The picture is sometimes so big that it overlaps into the next page, but this will not be the case with my article. The article title will be along the top of the page, but as with the front cover there will be no text obstructing Rosie's face. On the page I will also include a interesting quote from the article and a brief introduction to the article. The second page will simply be three columns of text.

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