Wednesday 9 December 2009

My double page spread

This is the photo I decided to use as the main image for my double page spread. I liked this image as it had plenty of space around which I could put text on, without obstructing Rosie's face and she is making eye contact and smile (but the smile does not look forced or over the top.) Before I used the image, I cropped some of the right hand side and some of the bottom. I then used the spot healing brush to remove an imperfections on Rosie's face.
I then used the Gaussian blur technique and changed the opacity until I was happy with the way the picture looked. The finished result can be seen below.

I used an A3 canvas for my double page spread and split it in half. I put the edited picture on the first half. I then began to add text to the picture, the title and a brief description of the article. Picking a colour for the writing was quite hard, as the background to the picture is busy. I settled on red, but added a drop shadow to the text to make it stand out more. The images below show the text with no drop shadow and with it.
On the drop shadow I changed the distance, spread and size of it until I was happy with the effect.

After I had added text to the first page, I constructed three columns on the second page, which would contain the text of my article.

I then added the text to my double page spread. For the first paragraph, I used a technique that I had seen used in all music magazines when I did my research; I made the first letter bigger than all the others. This gave it a professional feel. Originally, I just had text in the column, but my teacher suggested that it needed breaking up and thought that I could do so with a picture of Morrissey, seeing as he is fairly central to the article. In the fished version of my double page spread (see below) I added a quote from Rosie onto the first page and the date and page number to the bottom of the second page.

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