Wednesday 23 December 2009

Feedback from my focus group

These are the answers my focus group gave me in response to my audience feedback questions

Ryan said;
1) The photos don't look out of place on a music magazine, and are edited well
2) I can read the fonts clearly, and look very professional

3) I would buy the magazine, it looks a lot like the NME mags I've bought. It's great.
4) Yeah you can see everything on the cover and the fonts look good.

5) No the font is a legible size, and looks good

6) I think that black background relates to Morrissey, and looks good with the red t-shirt of the model (Rosie?) in that picture.

7) The style of writing is very authentic, you could be a journalist

8)The contents page gives enough information to know what your expecting in the magazine

9) Yes i think that the colour scheme looks very good, very much like Q magazine, although yours is better.
10) I really like it, and it looks very professional

Gemma said;
1) Yes, they have all been chosen well.
2) Looks Professional, not confusing

3) Yes, I would buy it

4) Yes

5) No, it was fine, I was able to read it.
6) Maybe, as both the background and the columns are black... but it doesn't look bad or anything

7) No.
8) Yes.

9) Yes it was a good feature

10) No.

Rosie said;
1) Yes very very very well
2) confusing
3) The cover artist would encoruage me to buy the magazine!
4) Yes, but not as asthectically pleasing as the model
5) No
6) No
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No

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