Tuesday 15 December 2009

My Contents page

I decided on white as the background colour for my contents page as I wanted to use red writing and thought that it would stand out well on a white background. Also, my double page spreads colour scheme had been quite dark, so I wanted a lighter on e for the contents page. The first thing I did when making my contents page was wrote 'this week..' at the top left hand side (as this is where the eye is drawn to first.) I downloaded the font it is written in for dafont.com.

I then added a brief editorial under the the 'this week:' heading, as an editorial is a good way for the magazines to address and connect with readers on a personal level. The editorial just explained what was in the magazine this week. I then went on to list the articles down the left hand side of the page. I tried to think of articles that would interest my target audience and whilst focusing mainly on older bands, include newer ones as well. Whilst some of the bands featured are not new, the articles are about what they are doing currently. I used a font I had downloaded off dafont.com.

I then added some relevant pictures down the left hand side of the page. I added a picture I took of Morrissey performing live, the picture of Morrissey that Rosie is imitating the cover of the magazine and a picture of Rosie, as she is the subject of the magazine's main story. I then added the page numbers to the corresponding articles onto the pictures. The finished version of my contents page can be seen below.

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