Tuesday 15 December 2009

Audience Feedback

Once I had finished my product, I thought of some questions that I could ask my classmates and focus group about my front cover, double page spread and contents page so I could receive some feedback.

  1. Do you think the photographs I have chosen are suitable for their purpose?

  2. Do you think the use of different fonts looks professional, or do you find it confusing?

  3. Would my front cover encourage you to pick up or buy my magazine?

  4. Do you think that the text on the front cover has been placed in a way that is aesthetically pleasing?

  5. Do you find that the font used in the main body of text of my double page spread is too small?

  6. Do you think that the dark colour scheme used on page two of my double page spread is too gloomy?

  7. Do you think that the style of writing used in my double page spread is similar to that found in current music magazines?

  8. Do you think the contents page would successfully fulfill it's purpose of making it easier for the reader to navigate their way around the magazine?

  9. Do you think the red, white and black colour scheme used throughout gives the magazine a more professional feel?

  10. Do you have any other comments about my magazine?

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