Friday 26 March 2010

Feedback from my in school focus group

This is a video of my classmates giving feedback on my magazine

As a class we all looked at three magazines anonymously and gave feedback about each one. Here is the feedback I received for my magazines.
The questions they had to answer were:
1. Who do you think the magazine is aimed at?
2. Is it similar to any other current publications? If so, which?
3. What do you like about the magazine?
4. Would you buy this magazine? If not, who would?
5. Have you noticed any errors? Spelling mistake?
6. Would you change anything about the magazine?

Person 1

1 - A mid teen social group that a associated with the music genre related to morrissey. Perhaps a dark, gothic, emo social group, due to the amount of red and black colorings used.

2- I cant think of any magazines that look similar, therefore it looks unique.

3 - I like the different uses of font, makes it more interesting visually. I also like the black background with white text on the centre page, gives a good, professional impression. I also like the photograph used for the double page spread, with an interesting, related background.
I thought that the continuity of using a Morrissey t-shirt on the front cover was a good idea.

4 - I don’t think that personally I would purchase the magazine as the social group that the magazine conveys would appeal to me. I think a true morrisey fan is likely to purchase the magazine and also, with the heavy amount of photographs of a girl that are featured it may appeal to the female audience.

5- There’s a spelling mistake on the contents Ive noticed, ‘Album reviews, 20’

6 - I think that, although continuity is good, there is too much use of the colour red on the contents page and could do with some different colours.
I think that also, you shouldn’t mention that the picture on your contents page is what inspired your front cover.

Person 2

1. Emo/rock/indie element

2. I think that the magazine is fairly similar to the magazine Kerrang! because of the emo feel of the magazine

3. i like the red theme in the magazine because it adds consistency throughout I like how it follows the same colour scheme throughout the magazine. I think it has an individual look and i haven't seen any other music magazine like it. I think someone who was a fan of morrissey would buy it as this is a strong theme of the magazine. I think the contents page could be bolder as it looks quite plain with just the red and white colours used. I think the font on the double page spread should be smaller \

4. i probably wouldn’t buy this magazine because i’m not really in the target audience and i never buy music magazine anyways. I think this magazine will appeal to a teenage group, the magazine seems to be geared towards a more gothic emo style of music, the colour scheme suggests this.

5. Album revews - album reviews

6. could possibly be improved with the white quote on the double page spread being brought down a bit

Person 3

1. I think the type of social group that is represented is old classic rock, old music from around the 70’s, social groups such as teenagers that are interested in old classics, more for the nice market.

2. I think it’s quite similar to magazines such as Kerrang or similar magazines like that, as the colour theme of red is carried through the magazine and appears to have an ‘attitude’ to it.

3. I liked the linking images through the magazine and the professional look to it.

4. I would buy it, because its the type of music i’m interested in and the colours and images appeal to me. I would pay no more than £3.50 for it.

5. The word ‘review’ in the contents, other than that, no mistakes.

6. I think the font on the double page spread could be changed to give a more professional feel to it, but other than that I think it’s really good and looks professional, like something that could be on the shelves.

I also received some feedback from my teacher. She said:

Front cover- 'lovely. Nowhere boy font too large, typography needs re sizing, but great font and pun.

Double page spread- 'stop' should have a capital S. Some stills from the video and/or your own photography would improve this'

Contents- 'you could up date it with an offer to win Blur's dvd release.'

Wednesday 13 January 2010


This is a PowerPoint presentation I made evaluating my product

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Feedback from my focus group

These are the answers my focus group gave me in response to my audience feedback questions

Ryan said;
1) The photos don't look out of place on a music magazine, and are edited well
2) I can read the fonts clearly, and look very professional

3) I would buy the magazine, it looks a lot like the NME mags I've bought. It's great.
4) Yeah you can see everything on the cover and the fonts look good.

5) No the font is a legible size, and looks good

6) I think that black background relates to Morrissey, and looks good with the red t-shirt of the model (Rosie?) in that picture.

7) The style of writing is very authentic, you could be a journalist

8)The contents page gives enough information to know what your expecting in the magazine

9) Yes i think that the colour scheme looks very good, very much like Q magazine, although yours is better.
10) I really like it, and it looks very professional

Gemma said;
1) Yes, they have all been chosen well.
2) Looks Professional, not confusing

3) Yes, I would buy it

4) Yes

5) No, it was fine, I was able to read it.
6) Maybe, as both the background and the columns are black... but it doesn't look bad or anything

7) No.
8) Yes.

9) Yes it was a good feature

10) No.

Rosie said;
1) Yes very very very well
2) confusing
3) The cover artist would encoruage me to buy the magazine!
4) Yes, but not as asthectically pleasing as the model
5) No
6) No
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) No

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Audience Feedback

Once I had finished my product, I thought of some questions that I could ask my classmates and focus group about my front cover, double page spread and contents page so I could receive some feedback.

  1. Do you think the photographs I have chosen are suitable for their purpose?

  2. Do you think the use of different fonts looks professional, or do you find it confusing?

  3. Would my front cover encourage you to pick up or buy my magazine?

  4. Do you think that the text on the front cover has been placed in a way that is aesthetically pleasing?

  5. Do you find that the font used in the main body of text of my double page spread is too small?

  6. Do you think that the dark colour scheme used on page two of my double page spread is too gloomy?

  7. Do you think that the style of writing used in my double page spread is similar to that found in current music magazines?

  8. Do you think the contents page would successfully fulfill it's purpose of making it easier for the reader to navigate their way around the magazine?

  9. Do you think the red, white and black colour scheme used throughout gives the magazine a more professional feel?

  10. Do you have any other comments about my magazine?